Subsea Services
Reach Subsea is a leading provider of subsea services. We bring extensive expertise, innovative solutions, and cutting-edge technology to every project.

Reservoir monitoring surveys using gWatch at several Equinor-operated gas fields
Reach Subsea, offering high-quality solutions and technology to clients in need of ocean data and services, recently announced a notable accomplishment. The company has been awarded a contract encompassing surveying, monitoring, and subsea services, provided as an integrated turn-key solution. This milestone further marks the beginning of a gravity and seafloor deformation survey campaign that covers several Equinor-operated gas fields and is scheduled to commence in July this year.

500 IMR days
As a result of subsea field development, subsea facilities require Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR).

Boulder removal
During summer season UXO clearance were performed with good results. Dredging with ScanMachine at 350 m water depth on Troll B field, was a major part of the project.

November 2019

Diver-less riser flange replacement
Winter 2019

Efficient Light Construction
1st Quarter of 2020

Fiber Optic Cable installation
1st Quarter of 2020

Haven jack-up removal
2nd Quarter of 2020

Pipelay & Installation support
2nd-3rd Quarter of 2020

Structure Inspection
1st Quarter of 2020

Suction anchor installation
Spring/Autumn 2019

Thruster changeout
Olympic Challenger successfully performed recovery and re-installation of thruster.

Water pipeline
3rd Quarter of 2020
Survey & Positioning
To minimise the environmental impact of offshore operations, our objective is to deliver safe, effective and reliable high-quality survey services.

Reservoir monitoring surveys using gWatch at several Equinor-operated gas fields
Reach Subsea, offering high-quality solutions and technology to clients in need of ocean data and services, recently announced a notable accomplishment. The company has been awarded a contract encompassing surveying, monitoring, and subsea services, provided as an integrated turn-key solution. This milestone further marks the beginning of a gravity and seafloor deformation survey campaign that covers several Equinor-operated gas fields and is scheduled to commence in July this year.

Site Survey Campaign
Reach Subsea – Survey division was contracted to perform site surveys utilising high resolution multichannel seismic and a variety of geophysical and geotechnical sensors as well as performing ROV transects for habitat assessment survey. Project details Location: Norwegian sector Water depth: 100 – 390 meters Date: Summer 2019 EDITING ONGOING – BELOW TO CHANGE Scope […]

Pipeline Inspection campaign
Reach Subsea – Survey division, together with IKM Subsea AS and the vessel charterer, were contracted by Norske Shell to provide the Siem Pride, fully equipped with survey spread and ROV, to conduct the Annual Pipeline Inspection program of the Ormen Lange 120km gas export pipeline. Project details Location: Ormen Lange Water depth: 25 – […]

Geophysical and UXO Power Cable Route Survey
iSURVEY AS was contracted by Nexans Norway AS to provide the Siem Pride, fully equipped with ROV and equipment, to conduct a Geophysical and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) survey along three planned export routes between Carnoustie (UK) and the Seagreen Offshore Windfarm.
Geophysical Monitoring
Reach Subsea provides flexible and smart geophysical monitoring solutions for hydrocarbon producing fields offshore.

Unlocking enhanced value in 4D Seismic with Reach Subsea’s DepthWatch technology: insights from Reach Subsea and Shell
The acquisition of time-lapse subsurface imagery is instrumental in pinpointing untapped reserves and refining the extraction process. Among the most commonly employed technologies for subsurface imaging is 4D seismic. The integration of Reach Subsea’s DepthWatch service into 4D seismic surveys significantly enhances imaging capabilities, all while incurring only minimal additional costs for clients. Moreover, this […]

Reservoir monitoring surveys using gWatch at several Equinor-operated gas fields
Reach Subsea, offering high-quality solutions and technology to clients in need of ocean data and services, recently announced a notable accomplishment. The company has been awarded a contract encompassing surveying, monitoring, and subsea services, provided as an integrated turn-key solution. This milestone further marks the beginning of a gravity and seafloor deformation survey campaign that covers several Equinor-operated gas fields and is scheduled to commence in July this year.

Reach Subsea sets a new milestone for accuracy and efficiency of gravimetry surveys with Shell Norge at Ormen Lange Field
Reach Subsea completed the 7th gWatch survey for Shell Norge and delivered outstanding quality gravimetry and subsidence measurements at the Ormen Lange field.
Environmental Monitoring
We provide flexible multi-physical monitoring services, optimally tailored to every specific project. Our services cover all the steps required to convert physical data into value for our clients.

Reach Subsea AS is a proud partner in the ACT CCS project, DigiMon (2019-2022) in cooperation with several research institutes, universities, and industry partners across Europa and in the USA.

This project is a cooperation between the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), the University of Bergen and MonViro with financial support by Innovation Norway.