Geophysical Monitoring

Geophysical Monitoring

Formerly known as Octio
Reach Subsea provides flexible and smart geophysical monitoring solutions for hydrocarbon producing fields offshore. Our monitoring methods are tailored to optimally fit every specific project, are cost-effective and don’t require large upfront investments.

Our services are complete, covering all the phases required to convert geophysical data into value for our clients. Reach Subsea performs the geophysical studies that lead to overall monitoring strategies; plans and executes operations and provides support to integrate data in interpretation workflows.


gWatch: 4D gravity

Oil and gas production leads to changes in the mass distribution in the subsurface. Hydrocarbon extraction, water flowing in from surrounding aquifers and injection of gas and water alter the mass of fluid present in the rock pores.

Seafloor subsidence monitoring

Production of hydrocarbons from offshore reservoirs often leads to subsidence of the seafloor. The measurement of how this subsidence distributes laterally is a powerful geophysical tool for understanding the dynamics of the reservoir.

DepthWatch for seismic nodes

Measuring relative depths is a complex physical problem. Lateral, vertical and temporal variations in water properties limit the accuracy of methods based on pressure or travel time of sound waves. Sensor drifts and sensitivity to external conditions introduce further operational challenges. As a result, the vertical position of seismic nodes is typically reported by OBN contractors with accuracies in the order of a few meters.

Wellwatch: Injection integrity monitoring

Real-time seismic monitoring is used to improve decision-making and safety during well drilling and injection operations. For those applications, a short reaction time is required. Reach Subsea's integrated solution to process seismic data and provide the required interpretation capability in real-time.

Drillwatch: Well drilling, under controll

Drilling wells offshore is a costly and complex operation. Conventional methods for tracking the drill bit during drilling suffer from uncertainties that increase with the length of the well. Imperfections in subsurface models further complicate navigation of the drill bit relative to the target rock formations and hazardous areas.

Real-time seismic monitoring

Real-time seismic monitoring is used to improve decision-making and safety during well drilling and injection operations. For those applications, a short reaction time is required.


Bergen (NO)

Kanalvegen 119
NO-5068 Bergen, Norway

Google maps +47 55 38 30 00

Leon Løvheim

Group Monitoring Director

+47 905 46 380

Harstad (NO)

Margrethe Jørgensens vei 13
N-9406 Harstad, Norway

Google maps +47 971 82 929

John Even Lindgård

Monitoring Commercial Manager

+47 971 82 929