Title | First Author | Year | Category | Reference | URL |
Implementation of time-lapse gravity and subsidence monitoring for optimising the development of the Scarborough gas field | Hourani | 2025 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | First Break | |
Twenty five years of monitoring the Troll gas and oil field with time-lapse gravity and seafloor deformation surveys | Vassvåg | 2025 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | First Break | |
Monitoring of CO2 injection in depleted gas reservoirs through measurements of seafloor deformation and 4D gravity | Basford | 2024 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | Seismic 2024 | View PDF |
Monitoring CO2 Storage in the Morecambe Depleted Gas Reservoirs through Seafloor Deformation and Time-Lapse Gravimetry Measurements | Borges | 2024 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
Feasibility of 4D microgravimetric monitoring of a CO2 flood in a depleted gas reservoir | Lien | 2023 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EGCI | View PDF |
Subsidence measurement and improved statics solutions through accurate node depth determination during time-lapse deep-water OBN surveys | Dutta | 2023 | Accurate node depths | IMAGE | SEG |
Improving Seismic Processing and Measuring Seabed Subsidence through Accurate Node Depths | Ruiz | 2023 | Accurate node depths | EAGE Workshop | EarthDoc |
Time-Lapse Gravity and Subsidence Applied in History Matching of a Gas-Condensate Field | Solbu | 2023 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
Monitoring the Snøhvit gas field using seabed gravimetry and subsidence | Ruiz | 2022 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
On the Organisation of Translation—An Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approach to Developing Design Options for CO2 Storage Monitoring Systems | Otto | 2022 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | Energies | Energies |
A technology readiness assessment for CCS site monitoring systems | Vandeweijer | 2022 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | GHGT | SSRN |
Real-time lookahead imaging with drill-bit seismic in the central North Sea | Goertz | 2021 | Passive seismic monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
A Toolbox to Assist in Designing Marine Monitoring Programs for Offshore Storage Sites | Blackford | 2021 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | GHGT | SSRN |
Digital monitoring of CO2 storage projects (DigiMon) | Nøttvedt | 2021 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | GHGT | SSRN |
Monitoring of CO2 Saturation Plume Movement from Time-Lapse Inverted-Seismic and Gravity Data Using an Ensemble-Based Method | Bhakta | 2021 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE Annual | EarthDoc |
Vertical Seismic Profiling While Drilling Using Passive Monitoring Data | Goertz | 2020 | Passive seismic monitoring | EAGE Annual | EarthDoc |
Accurate Measurement of Seabed Subsidence at the Ormen Lange Field | Ruiz | 2020 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
4D gravity and subsidence monitoring as cost-effective alternatives to 4D seismic | Ruiz | 2020 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE Workshop | EarthDoc |
Reservoir imaging-while-drilling with PRM arrays | Goertz | 2020 | Passive seismic monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
A New Method for Measuring Regional Seabed Subsidence with Sub-Centimeter Accuracy | Lien | 2019 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | OMC | OnePetro |
4D Gravity and Seafloor Subsidence Surveys for Cost-Effective Monitoring of Offshore Gas Reservoirs | Lien | 2019 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | OMC | OnePetro |
Seismic While Drilling Using a Large-Aperture Ocean Bottom Array | Flavio Poletto | 2019 | Microseismic monitoring | SEG annual | SEG Library |
Precise depth and subsidence measurements during deepwater OBN surveys | Paul Hatchell | 2019 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | SEG annual | SEG Library |
4D Gravity And Seafloor Subsidence Monitoring: Recent Developments And Prospects | Ruiz | 2018 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
Marine 4D Gravity And Seafloor Subsidence Monitoring: Recent Development And Prospects | Lien | 2018 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE Workshop | EarthDoc |
Real-time passive monitoring with a fibre-optic ocean bottom array | Goertz | 2018 | Microseismic monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
Real Time Seismic Monitoring of Drilling Operations | Lindgård | 2018 | Microseismic monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
Density Changes and Reservoir Compaction from In-situ Calibrated 4D Gravity and Subsidence Measured at the Seafloor | Agersborg | 2017 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | SPE annual | OnePetro |
Real Time Offshore Monitoring – Key Learnings – Pitfalls and Potentials | Bergfjord | 2017 | Microseismic monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
How 4D Gravity and Subsidence Monitoring Provide Improved Decision Making at a Lower Cost | Lien | 2017 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
Monitoring the Ormen Lange field with 4D gravity and seafloor subsidence | Vatshelle | 2017 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
Mapping water influx and hydrocarbon depletion in offshore reservoirs using gravimetry: requirements on gravimeter calibration | Agersborg | 2017 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | SEG annual | SEG Library |
Monitoring Offshore CO2 Storage Using Time-lapse Gravity and Seafloor Deformation | Ruiz | 2017 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
Offshore injection and overburden surveillance using real-time passive seismic | Bussat | 2016 | Microseismic monitoring | First Break | EarthDoc |
Real-time microseismic monitoring in the North Sea with advanced noise removal methods | Dando | 2016 | Microseismic monitoring | SEG Annual | SEG Library |
A New Method for Field-wide Real-time Subsidence Monitoring with Sub-centimeter Accuracy | Ruiz | 2016 | Subsidence monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
Monitoring offshore reservoirs using 4D gravity and subsidence with improved tide corrections | Ruiz | 2016 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | SEG Annual | OnePetro |
Monitoring of offshore reservoirs using 4D gravimetry at the seafloor: state of the art | Ruiz | 2015 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
Permanent reservoir monitoring for increased surveillance and safety | Bjerrum | 2015 | Microseismic monitoring | SPE workshop | SBGf |
Real Time Caprock Integrity Monitoring Becomes Reality | Matveeva | 2015 | Microseismic monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
Assimilation of Time-lapse CSEM Data for Fluid Flow Monitoring | Lien | 2014 | Integration of gravity and electromagnetic data | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |
Comparison of Noise Characteristics on an Un-trenched and Trenched Cable Deployed in the North Sea for a PRM System | Bjerrum | 2014 | Microseismic monitoring | EAGE annual | EarthDoc |
Using gravity to Enhance Recovery | Fageraas | 2013 | Gravity and subsidence monitoring | GeoExpro | GeoExpro |
Utilizing PRM Systems for Injection Monitoring | Lindgard | 2013 | Microseismic monitoring | EAGE workshop | EarthDoc |

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