Number of ROV days – Annually
Technical uptime on ROVs
Number of offshore personnel days sold
Number of Vessel days sold
Number of ROV days sold (ROV days)
Total number of ROV days sold in Reach Subsea AS (incl. Surveyor AS from 1.4.2021).
Number of ROV days available
Total number of ROVs owned by Reach Subsea AS (incl. Surveyor from 1.4.2021) multiplied with number of days in the month.
Total number of ROVs hired in (pay as use) by Reach Subsea AS multiplied with actual number of operational days in the month.
Technical uptime on ROVs
1-unpaid break down hours divided by total sold operation hours.
Number of offshore personnel days sold
Total offshore man hours (offshore pool), including own and hired in resources.
Number of loss time incidents (number of incidents resulting in absence from work).
Number of vessel days sold
Vessel days sold by Reach SUbsea AS (excl. JV/Cooperation partners).