Contract awards and increased fleet for Reach Subsea

REACH – Charter agreements

Reach Subsea has signed an agreement with the Myklebusthaug group for MPSV “Dina Star”. The agreement includes an instalment of a 150T subsea crane and Reach mobilization of ROV and personnel on board for use in Reach’s offshore lightweight construction support projects. The vessel will be operated in cooperation with Myklebusthaug. Duration is one year plus options. Reach has also signed an agreement for the use of MPSV “Stril Explorer” to survey operations in cooperation with Marin Mætteknik (MMT). The first mission for the vessel is the already signed contract with EMAS on the Troll field.”Through our cooperation with our experienced partner within survey, MMT, around “Stril Explorer” Reach now offers an excellent survey spread.

“Dina Star” is offered to new and existing customers already from 1st March. The ship will be completed with new crane and ROV equipment aboard, consistent with our business plan and strategy to deliver first class subsea services from early season of 2014.” says CEO Kåre Johannes Lie.

For further information, see the Assets pages.
